So you've worked with us before; do you know when to bring us back?

After more than 15 years of providing color & design services in the Pioneer Valley and beyond, we are often invited back to a client’s home for additional work. Maybe due to a kitchen renovation or to help with part of the home that we have not worked on before. Many of our clients “take us with them” when they move or ask for help with colors for their business or vacation home.
If the last time you painted was years ago, you may feel ready for some fresh color inspiration. Here are a few reasons why the color scheme we picked for you last time might be ready for a makeover:
Your style has evolved and you’d like your home to reflect the Current You.
You’ve grown more adventurous and want more color.
The world feels more chaotic and you want a calmer environment.
You bought a new sofa/rug/painting/fill in the blank.
The big tree got cut down and suddenly there’s a lot more light.
The kids have left home and it’s time for the empty nest to have a different vibe.
You have a new partner or spouse and want to “make it ours”.
Your family constellation has changed (breakup, loss, etc.) and you want a fresh start.
Trends have shifted away from cool neutrals to warm neutrals and you’re all about it.
You’re remodeling or building an addition and want the new spaces to blend with the old.
Or, you just need a change!
All this to say….if you’re ready for an update, we would love to help you again. We know life changes -- our homes should reflect that. We will not be offended! In fact, we are even more excited to come and see what’s new in your life and how we can help create a more supportive environment for whatever comes next.
Ready to book again?